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Shame (2011) Movie Watch Online

Rated: PG-13 Runtime: 1hr 42min Audience Score: 69.53%

Shame Watch Online

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Plot and Synopsis

Shame Movie Details and Cast

Duration: 102 min

Release Year:

Release Date: 2011-10-02

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User Rating: 69.53% out of 2923 votes

Tagline: Desire and despair entwined in the city of secrets.


In the bustling heart of New York City, there lived a man named Brandon, a figure of outward success and inner turmoil. His life was a carefully constructed facade, a veneer of self-discipline, and a meticulous routine. By day, he navigated the corporate world with a confident stride, but by night, he descended into the shadows of addiction.

This addiction wasn't to substances, but to something far more complex: the seductive world of sex. Brandon's life revolved around insatiable desires, indulged in secret, detached from any emotional connections. His addiction was his shame, a heavy burden that he carried in silence.

Yet, as the city's heartbeat pulsed around him, Brandon's existence was about to change. Into his carefully compartmentalized life burst his younger sister, Sissy, a free spirit with a troubled past of her own. Her arrival was unexpected, and her presence was unsettling.

Sissy's arrival disrupted the delicate balance Brandon had maintained for so long. He had become an expert at concealing his compulsion, but with his sister in his apartment, he could no longer hide the truth about his double life. The siblings' shared history was filled with pain, and their reunion was fraught with tension and resentment.

As the days passed, the emotional undercurrents between Brandon and Sissy became more turbulent, and Brandon's addiction began to spiral out of control. His compulsion overtook him, leading to a series of reckless encounters that threatened to destroy his work and personal life.

"Shame" is a mesmerizing tale of a man trapped in the labyrinth of his own desires. It delves into the complexity of addiction, the emotional disconnect it creates, and the destructive patterns it perpetuates. The film forces us to confront the fragile boundaries between addiction and shame, and the powerful impact of our past on our present.

The story of Brandon and Sissy is a poignant exploration of the human condition, reminding us that no matter how polished our exteriors may appear, we all carry our own secrets, and sometimes, those secrets become the forces that shape our lives. "Shame" is a haunting and evocative journey into the depths of one man's struggle with his inner demons, leaving the audience captivated and contemplative.